Lessons from a Journeyman
Aug 02, 2023A few weeks ago I took my son and a few friends to a minor league game. Because they were amazingly adorable in their full Phillies gear with gloves in hand and insisting that we show up 2 hours early, we were selected to win what the Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs call the ‘Best seats in the house’.
We quickly learned that winning these seats meant we were able to sit right next to the dugout for the entire game.
As the game started and we sat in our amazing seats, we were mesmerized by the fact that we were so close. We could hear their conversations as they were ‘on deck’, and could see every movement behind the plate.
As the game continued, there was one player who continued to catch our eye. He was the most focused, determined, and consistent of the players. You could tell right away that he was experienced. But he didn’t seem arrogant. Rather, he was meticulous. He seemed fully aware of the importance of every play. And each time he was at the plate, or in the field, he seemed to rise to the occasion and deliver.
Doing a little quick research on my phone between innings, I started to better understand, and respect this player. This wasn’t Jake Cave’s first game. Not by a long shot. He was a journeyman, who has played for many different organizations. This was his first few months with the Phillies organization, but he was certainly not new to the pressures of baseball at its highest level.
What I found amazing was the fact that he seemed to embrace this role. While being a journeyman could be frustrating to some, I became incredibly impressed that he was able to SHOW UP for each play as if it were a championship. Focused, prepared, and determined to do his absolute best.
You knew he would much rather be wearing a Phillies uniform, but yet he made the decision to SHOW UP for the Iron Pigs as if there were nothing else you would rather be.
A few weeks later, sitting at home with my sons, we noticed that there was a new player on the Phillies roster. Jake Cave.
So what does this have to do with business? Entrepreneurship?
There are so many lessons we can learn from a journeyman story.. In business, just like baseball, everyday there are more things we can’t control than things we can. And yet, our success lies in our ability to tune out the noise around us, and SHOW UP everyday.
Whether we like where we are standing today or not. We are here. Sure Jake Cave would much rather be wearing a PHILLIES jersey than the Lehigh Valley IRON PIGS. But he knew that he would never be able to wear a Phillies Jersey if he didn’t SHOW UP for the Iron pigs. So whether the team won or lost, he was going to make every opportunity count.
And isn’t that such a good lesson for all of us? We aren’t wrong to want more. To wish that we had more work-life balance. Or that we were able to make more money. Or have a nicer building. Bigger operation. All of those wishes you feel everyday are real.
But the lesson is profound. The ONLY way we can get the ‘more’ we want out of our business is to SHOW UP today.
So, as you walk into your business today, I challenge you to embrace the Journeyman approach. To learn from your past, both good and bad, and make the most of EVERY OPPORTUNITY you have in front of you today.
Knowing that there are many things we can’t control, but choosing to focus every effort on what we can. Ultimately this journeyman approach will lead us to winning the day, so that we can win the ‘more’ we know we deserve.
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